Resume of Claude Lawrence Cornett, Jr.

Claude Lawrence Cornett, Jr.
2450 W. 6 St, Apt. Up S.
Cleveland OH 44113
(216) 583-0007


  1. Objective
  2. Experience
  3. Education


To use my extensive experience with environmental impact assessment, site remediation, hazardous waste management, monitoring, modeling, pollution control, risk assessment, air toxics, permits, environmental regulations, emergency response, and project management to facilitate cost-effective solutions to environmental problems.


Links to information recently used in my work include

1994-Present: Cornett Environmental Consulting, Cleveland, OH
Senior Environmental Consultant

Prepare and review monitoring, modeling, pollution control, site closure, risk assessment, biochemical terrorism preparedness, emergency response, and regulatory compliance programs. Evaluate Phase II investigations and provide recommendations on further environmental monitoring, remediation and property purchase. Help industrial clients evaluate alternatives for upgrading, relocating and expanding their operations, inventory emissions, and obtain permits and reasonable interpretations of regulations from government agencies. Provide and review technical and public relations reports. Recruit the environmental managers from multiple companies, along with community and government organizations, to successfully address shared environmental and economic concerns.

2007-2008: Aerotek/McCabe Engineering, Richfield, OH
Environmental Scientist

ASTM Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, Phase II Property Assessments, Property-Specific Risk Assessments, Sampling and Analysis Plans, Health and Safety Plans, budgets, modeling, statistical analysis, and remedial action plans for brownfield sites with significant groundwater, surface water, soil, soil gas, air, UST, and other contamination.

1992-1994: META, Gaithersburg, MD
Senior Environmental Scientist

I served as the principal investigator responsible for baseline and cumulative human health impact assessment for a programmatic environmental impact statement for the U.S. Department of Energy Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Programs. This included summarizing regulations, evaluating a wide variety of risk assessment, risk communication, waste management, pollution control, emergency response, program management, and remedial action alternatives, writing risk assessment software, and evaluating the risks posed by dozens of DOE installations, activities, and potential programs. I also drafted and evaluated technical directives, proposals, and work plans for DOE National Labs and contractors and recruited experts to help. This lead to becoming the principal investigator providing ongoing quality assurance for the entire project and to providing expert testimony in related hearings and litigation.

1987-1992: Resource Applications, Inc., Burke, VA
Senior Environmental Engineer/Zone Program Manager

Starting with field work, I was quickly promoted to project manager for CERCLA/SARA remedial investigations, feasibility studies, risk assessment reports, health and safety programs, split sampling, potentially responsible party investigations, and remedial action implementation oversight at Superfund and brownfields sites. I created software for modeling and modeled contaminant transport through soil, groundwater, surface water, and the atmosphere -- along with environmental impacts and uncertainties. This lead to writing most of the U.S. EPA report: Risk Characterization for Site and Situation Assessment -- an analysis of Superfund risk assessment methods, uncertainties, policies, and decision analytics. In addition, I evaluated submittals, wrote O&M manuals, and designed and audited hazardous waste and material treatment, storage and disposal facilities -- along with system installation and startup. Furthermore, I evaluated change orders, tested instrumentation and controls, approved installations, and provided training.

This work was so well received by clients that I won contracts to perform quality assurance oversight for such projects and drafted sections of the U.S. Army Toxic and Hazardous Material Agency’s Health and Safety Program Manual (and related standing orders). Soon after, I became the Program Manager for a 21-person U.S. EPA Technical Assistance Team providing environmental modeling, risk assessment, CERCLA and RCRA corrective measures studies, chemical safety audits, SPCC and UST investigations, and emergency response planning, training and program evaluation.

1986-1987: Engineering-Science, Fairfax, VA
Senior Engineer

Principal Investigator for the EPA Background Information Document for the Development of Regulations to Control the Burning of Hazardous Waste in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces, Volume III - Risk Assessment. Performed risk assessments and wrote detailed procedures for monitoring and for emergency response during remedial actions at three uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. Provided evidence and expert testimony for litigation. Helped write EPA procedures for dioxin monitoring. Performed quality assurance on hazardous waste trial burn monitoring for EPA.

1985-1986: Rust International Corporation, Birmingham, AL
Staff Engineer

Wrote "environmental compliance handbooks" for refuse fired power plants and related air and water pollution control systems. Summarized regulations and permit requirements. Provided detailed procedures for monitoring, pollution control, inspections, maintenance, record keeping, and permit renewal. Evaluated trial burns and calculated enrichment and emission factors. Wrote detailed specifications for instrumentation, sampling ports, and environmental testing services.

1981-1985: Consolidated Edison Co. of New York
Environmental Engineer

Performed dispersion modeling and wrote sections of environmental impact statements and testimony on toxic air pollution emissions and impacts. Filled out permit applications and automated associated procedures. Performed and coordinated environmental compliance audits and designed and coordinated environmental monitoring and receptor modeling programs. Drafted corporate environmental policies and procedures. Provided procedures, technical advice and training to power plant personnel for implementing compliance policies. Wrote and reviewed specifications for pollution control equipment, coal cleaning, environmental monitoring, modeling, record keeping and consulting services.

1979-1981: Monsanto Research Corporation, Dayton, OH
Research Engineer

Wrote Volume V of the EPA NPDES Treatability Manual -- a summary of the measured effectiveness of all wastewater treatment systems for toxic pollutants for all industries, with instructions for its use to set NPDES permit limitations. Edited and wrote the index for the other four volumes. Wrote the procedures used for permit application review in the EPA Permit Writers' Guidelines for Hazardous Waste Incineration. Invented the tiered approach for cost effective regulations to protect public health from toxic substance releases. Performed pre-test surveys, designed experiments, coordinated process and environmental monitoring, and wrote emission test reports for EPA. Summarized RCRA, TSCA, NPDES, and Clean Air Act regulations and evaluated cost and availability of equipment and services to comply. Designed a hazardous waste incineration facility, drafted RCRA Part B permit applications, and modeled impacts.

1976-1979: Dalton.Dalton.Newport, Shaker Heights, OH
Pollution Analyst

Provided air pollution and noise modeling, summarized regulations, and wrote sections of environmental impact statements. Evaluated risk assessment methods, wrote DOE and EPA guidelines for monitoring and modeling toxic pollutants from advanced energy technologies, and associated environmental impacts. Wrote U.S. DOT guidelines for air pollution & noise monitoring and impact assessment. Wrote detailed specifications for pollution control, monitoring systems and services. Worked closely with water pollution and ecological impact experts in these projects.

1972-1976: Cleveland Division of Air Pollution Control
Pollution Control Engineer

Supervised up to twelve technicians performing ambient air pollution monitoring. Evaluated dispersion modeling and emission monitoring. Investigated complaints, gathered evidence, and prepared and delivered testimony. Supervised Cleveland’s participation a $17,000,000 cooperative program with NASA involving air toxics and health and environmental effects monitoring, risk assessment, and receptor modeling. Air toxics regulation and risk assessment was in its infancy at the time, and I became an expert on environmental regulations, regulatory development, pollution control and risk assessment in all media, working closely with leading experts in EPA and other organizations.

1971: Bartlett-Snow, Inc., Cleveland, OH

Operated, maintained, and measured emissions from rotary kilns, calcination equipment, fluidized bed reactors, and incinerators. Calibrated, operated, and maintained emission and process monitoring equipment.


M.S. Air Pollution Control Engineering, University of Cincinnati, 1972

B.S. Physics, Purdue University, 1969

OSHA 1910.120 40-hr, 8-hr Supervisory & 8-hr Refresher HAZWOPER Training

* Risk Communication
* Environmental Risk Management, Regulation, and Modeling
* DOE Risk Assessment Model Review

Community Emergency Response

Industrial Noise Control

* Technical Systems Audit
* Air Pathway Analysis at Hazardous Waste Sites

Advanced Visual Basic, SQL, Java, JavaScript, HTML, Fortran, CGI, PERL, Dreamweaver, FrontPage, E-Commerce, Advanced Microsoft Office Pro

Johnson & Ettinger, VLEACH, ON-SITE, UNIMAP, IRC, TRC, VALLEY, HIWAY, RADTRAN, CALINE, MEPAS, IRIS, TRI, ProUCL, Evaluation of uncertainties in EPA and DOE modeling and Superfund Risk Assessment Methods

Supervisory Management

I can be contacted at:

2450 W 6 St, Cleveland, OH 44113 
